Using Content from This Site
The following information is laid out for anyone with an interest in using any of the information on this site (Messages in the Moonlight). If you are confused about anything here, contact Evylyn Rose and ask.
Why are webmasters and content creators like Evy so big on keeping tabs on where their writing is? Search engines, like Google, include weeding out duplicative content from search results when determining ranking. Copying or stealing content ultimately leads to less people finding the information. See Google's help page on avoiding duplicate content for more information on how this works.
All original work © Evylyn Rose.
On each page you will find copyright or author information. This information is generally located at the bottom of the page.
On original pages you will find the message "© [year(s)] Evylyn Rose". Pages containing multiple authors will have their names by their portion.
Contact Evylyn Rose for information regarding any pages without copyright or names of authors.
Regarding Original Work
Use without permission
Evylyn Rose does allow certain use of work under the United States Copyright guidelines for Fair Use.
Works as a whole may be used for personal use (you and your immediate family) so long as the copyright (© [year(s)] Evylyn Rose) is attached. It cannot otherwise be reproduced or broadcast without permission.
Use with permission
In order to use any work by Evylyn Rose (other than under Fair Use guidelines or for personal use), you must first ask permission. All requests will be considered; however, failure to request permission first will immediately result in denial.
Should your request be allowed, the following is expected of you:
The work must be unaltered.
The work must clearly state that the author is Evylyn Rose and have the copyright notice "Copyright © [years(s)] Evylyn Rose."
A link to the main page of this site ( must be included.
Regarding Other Works
If you would like to use information by any other author, it's best that you contact the original author when contact information is available or Evylyn Rose for information first.
Evylyn Rose is not responsible for those works and cannot grant permission for their use. However, she may have information regarding how to contact the original authors of those works.
What to do if Your Copyright Material is on This Site
If your work is on this site and you did not provide permission for its use, please contact Evylyn Rose.
Evylyn Rose recognizes that previous general permissions to use your work can be revoked. Likewise, she is aware information such as websites, email addresses, and even names sometimes change and--as the copyright holder--you have the right to request the information be updated accordingly.
On some occasions, works such as jokes, poems, and images are obtained through a third-party who ensures Evylyn Rose that she has permission to use those works on the Messages in the Moonlight site. If you are the copyright holder and do not want your original work used on this site, please contact Evylyn Rose to have your work removed.