Wiccan Sabbats
This information provides insight into the Sabbats of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. This section provides detailed information as well as correspondences for each of the Sabbats. Some Sabbats currently have pages of their own.
Occurs on Winter Solstice (circa. 21 December)
Occurs on 2 February
Candlemas celebrates the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God. She returns in her Maiden form in preparation for Spring. A sabbat of purification, Candlemas marks the renewal of Earth's fertility and is a traditional time for initiations.
Traditions include lighting bonfires for illumination and inspiration, making offerings to the Goddess for wishes to be granted, paying off debts, and casting off what doesn't work in order to move forward. Meditations are focused on the feminine, particularly maidenhood and motherhood.
Some may note that this sabbat falls on Groundhog's Day. Regardless of whether or not the groundhog comes out or if he sees his shadow, this date is celebrated as a sign that nature is telling us that Spring will come.
Gems: amethyst, turquoise
Foods: dried goods, honey, milk
Herbs: dill, dragon's blood, frankincense, musk, rosemary
Occurs on Vernal Equinox (circa. 21 March)
Occurs on 1 May
Occurs on Summer Solstice (circa. 21 June)
Occurs on 1 August
Also popular known as Lughnasadh (loo-nus-uh), this sabbat marks the beginning of the harvest season. This day celebrates the fruits of labor, successes, and achievements. Wiccan belief states that the God starts to lose strength, whereas others celebrate God as Lugh on this day.
Traditions for Lammas include the making of corn dollies and baking (particularly breads). Meals on this day are an act of attunement with nature, reminding us that nothing is constant.
Gems: citrine, peridot
Foods: breads, corn, ginger bread men, grains, grapes, potato breads
Herbs: ginseng, hops, rose, rye, sandalwood
Autumn Equinox
Occurs on Autumn Equinox (circa. 21 September)
Frequently referred to as Mabon (may-bon), though this is falling out of favor as previously assumed historical associations are proven false.
The second harvest, the autumn equinox is a time of abundance, feasting, balance, rest, justice, and healing. The God prepares to leave this realm. As such, this Sabbat marks the importance of reflection, release, forgiveness, and preparation for the winter ahead.
Traditions focus on the coming change in weather and descent into darkness. Vow renewals are also common.
Gems: amethyst, topaz
Foods: apples, corn, dried fruits, grapes, nuts, squash, vegetables
Herbs: cypress, frankincense, hazelnuts, hops, patchouli, sandalwood
Occurs on 31 October
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