Music Magick

One form of magick useful to Witches is music magick. Music is known, by many Wiccans and non-Wiccans alike, to rouse energy and stimulate emotions. Given that energy is what magick is all about, music, then, is a fantastic tool for spellcasting!

Anyone can easily test the effect of music on the emotions. Pick a song and listen intently and emotionally. If you know the words and can relate to them, you'll find your mood reflective of the song long after it's over.

For example, if you're relatively in a happy mood, listening, singing along with, and relating to a depressing song about the loss of a loved one or contemplation of suicide can easily shift that happy mood into a sadder one. Likewise, you can also bring yourself out of negative moods by listening to songs with upbeat lyrics and positive messages.

The extent of the effects of such an exercise are dependent on just how much energy and intent you put into connecting with the music. The more energy and intent, the stronger the connection.

Witches can help improve or focus their magick by incorporating music into their spells and rituals. Lyrics aren't the only consideration. Consider beats, speeds/measure, sounds, instruments used, etc.

Common among many Wiccans is playing prerecorded music in the background during ritual to help set the mood. The benefits here is that the music is already made, distractions and musical mishaps are greatly minimized, and you can tailor your spell or ritual around the music ahead of time (if appropriate).

The disadvantages of prerecorded music is the need for a way to play it in the ritual space, the effect of the replay unintentionally stopping or skipping in the middle of an integral moment requiring focus, and lack of flexibility in the moment.

Other practitioners prefer to make their own music during a spell or rite. Some may set chants and invocations to music or convert them to songs.

Others will play instruments (yes, the voice when singing counts as an instrument) and uses them to create a state of trance or build up and direct energy for the working. This allows for greater flexibility in the moment and the ability to fully customize your music magick.

The preferred genre, sound, and lyrics (if any) of music played for magickal purposes are generally individualistic. One Witch may find they can only effectively raise energy to music that's calm and relaxing. Another Witch may prefer nature sounds or classical music. Still others find louder music--even metal or rap--to be best so long as the lyrics and intent of the musicians fits with the intent of their magick.

The use of drums is also a favorite for assisting with the timing of raising and releasing energy in group and public circles. A softer beat is good for meditative work, with the beat increasing in speed and volume to help get the energy moving, and either louder beats with sudden stops or slowing back down as signals for release.

I've worked with several varieties of music in rituals and spells. I personally find louder genres and songs with lyrics to be too distracting.

Surprisingly, I love Gregorian chants in ritual, especially when a focused and centered approach is needed most. That said, music played live to compliment chants and ritual movements is highly moving and effective.

Even singing from the heart spontaneously in the middle of a ritual or spell spell can be the most effective music magick!

If music magick is something you find yourself drawn to, give it a go! Whether it's simply incorporating some of the ideas here or developing a system of your own to take it further, go for it.

Below are some magickal associations for instruments to help get you started.

Instruments for Music Magick

adapted from Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham

Understanding the magickal associations of instruments and incorporating them into your rites or spells can prove to be a very powerful form of magick. The following are brief descriptions of musical instruments and their correspondences.

Percussion Instruments

Instruments such as drums, rattles, and xylophone are sacred to Earth. They can be used to invoke the Goddess. Percussion instruments can be used in spells for fertility, money, finding a job, sending energy to the Earth, etc.

Wind Instruments

Instruments such as the flute and recorder are sacred to Air. They can be used to invoke the God. Wind instruments can be used in spells to increase mental powers or visualization abilities, discover ancient wisdom or knowledge, improve psychic faculties, etc.

String Instruments

Instruments such as the lyre, harp, guitar, and ukulele are sacred to Fire. They can be used to invoke the God. String instruments can be used in spells for sexuality, health and bodily strength, passion and will power, change, evolution, courage, ridding oneself of harmful habits, etc. They are also good to use to purify an area.

Resonant Metal Instruments

Instruments such as cymbals, sistrums, bells, and gongs are sacred to Water. They can be used to invoke the Goddess. Resonant metal instruments can be used in spells for healing, fertility, friendship, psychic powers, spiritual love, beauty, compassion, happiness, etc.

© 2013-2020 by Evylyn Rose