New Discord Server!
One of the things that made MIM so awesome in its past was the community-aspect. I had to let go the forum, chat, and newsletter components over the years because I simply couldn't devote the time and energy needed to maintain them.
While I still don't have all the time and energy to do all the things I'd love to, I've found Discord servers to be particularly well-suited to my needs for a socialization with minimal management. If you've ever run a full-blown message forum, you know all about the little unnoticed things--like the images, coding, moving, renaming, editing, etc.--that goes on. By comparison, Discord is like a beautiful blend of message forum meets chatroom with the perks of both!
To bring back some of that awesomeness that made MIM a place to come back to again and again and to fill that need for safe, inclusive, and healthy community spaces during these socially-limited pandemic days, I've launched the Messages in the Moonlight Discord server. You've plenty of options for participating; online at, through the Discord desktop app, or by mobile app. Please check it out and consider joining us in this brand new online community today!
Light & Love, Evy